
Profitmax is managed by Assured Profitmax Share Market Trading Advisory Services LLP. Although ProfitMax has taken precautions to ensure the site’s correctness and authenticity, the company cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information presented. If an error of this sort occurs, let us know so that we can make the appropriate adjustments.

The website’s content is meant to provide visitors with a general overview of the institution. The displayed course plans may be subject to change at any time without notice. Pricing, fees, and promotions are all subject to the same conditions. To avoid any future conflict or dispute, we always advise our customers to do thorough research before hiring or using any of our services or products. Those interested in our services or subscription must first contact our office, either over the phone or in person.

Get a full picture of the facility and the costs involved before making a final decision. Once you’re part of the team, we won’t tolerate any fighting. Your fees are non-transferable and non-refundable (except as provided for in the management’s announcements and money-back guarantee offer). Website visitors can quickly get a sense of the market situation by perusing the site’s technical charts, studies, and ticker price for individual shares of stock.

No claims are made about its completeness, correctness, discrepancy, or accuracy by ProfitMax. Please let us know if an error of this sort occurs so that we can rectify it. We want you to join knowing exactly what you’re getting into, so we won’t begin providing your service until we receive full payment. All of these policies and procedures have been put in place to ensure that our business runs smoothly and that our customers are satisfied.

The technical and market research that informs the education we provide in a variety of modular courses after you have received instruction. In the workshop, do as you are told. Because of the potential for loss, anyone looking to invest or trade on the stock market must do so with their eyes wide open. A person’s loss in the stock market will not be the responsibility of ProfitMax. Please practice the trading strategies and policies suggested by the trainer or faculty before implementing them.

ProfitMax will not be held liable for issues caused by a lack of connectivity to the internet, a power outage, faulty trading software (brokerage house), or a malfunctioning trading platform; however, our risk management team and experts are available in the event that such an issue should arise and can assist in resolving or mitigating the financial risk associated with the situation. Each person must decide for himself whether or not to act on the advice.


Market risk pertains to the equity market. The stock market does not provide any assurance of a profit. Profitability in the market can go up or down. We do not offer any such money-back assurances. Our company won’t be in touch with you about any such arrangement.

SEBI rules say that you should always keep your DEMAT account password safe.

Please call us at 8208022880 if you have been contacted by anyone from our company regarding the matters listed above.

महत्वाची सूचना

शेअर बाजारात कुठल्याही प्रकारचा हमी परतावा (Fixed Returns) मिळत नाही. बाजारातील उत्पन्न हे बाजारातील चढ-उताराच्या जोखीम अधीन आहे. आमच्या इथे अशी हमी परतावा देणारी कुठलीही योजना नाही. आमच्या संस्थेमधून कोणीही व्यक्ती तुम्हाला अशा योजनेसाठी संपर्क करणार नाही.

सेबीच्या नियमानुसार तुमच्या डिमॅट अकाउंटचा पासवर्ड तुम्ही कोणासोबतही सामायिक करू नये.

जर आमच्या संस्थेतून कोणी व्यक्ती तुम्हाला वरील कुठल्याही बाबीसाठी संपर्क करत असेल तर कृपया दिलेल्या दूरध्वनी क्रमांकावर संपर्क साधा – 82080 22880.

Privacy & Security

• ProfitMax Academy will only use customer information for the reason it was given, and it won’t share or use any personal information for any other reason without the customer’s permission

• Do not give any member of the ProfitMax Academy’s team access to your account information or passwords under any circumstances. Misuse of an account will not result in compensation from ProfitMax’s management. If you need assistance with your Demat account, you can contact branch Counsellor but do not share your Password with anyone.

Invoice & Billing

For any payments made in full or in part against a course, a stamped copy of the invoice is required. If a client or student attempts to file a claim for money they paid to ProfitMax without a properly stamped and signed invoice copy, they will be denied. Invoices sent via email do not require a signature or stamp.

Admission Cancellation & Refund Policy for Fees

Admissions can be cancelled up to 3 days before the scheduled start of the batch or within 15 days of the booking date, whichever comes first. If a student decides to withdraw from a course as per the mentioned timeline then he or she will be eligible for a full refund of amount paid. Refund eligibility becomes void & fees are non-refundable if student start course & even if he/she has attended one lecture.

Education Loan Facility

Educational Loan is just facility given by Third party finance company & ProfitMax has no say over any educational loans offered by a third party. If student start course & due to any reason his educational finance is rejected then in that case it is responsibility of student to pay course fees by his own to Profitmax Academy. A student’s enrolment in classes will be suspended if he or she does not pay the required fees. Also, student’s advanced EMI payment is also non-refundable if he has already begun his course of study and attended any classes.

Trading Techniques and Stock Advice

Our stock advice and recommendations are provided solely for educational purposes. ProfitMax does not ask for any fees from its students for the stock tips and research it provides. Report immediately to management any employee who makes a direct or indirect request for advisory fees. After doing their own research and analysis, customers and students are encouraged to take our advice. Individuals are responsible for any gains or losses incurred as a result of their own trading or investment decisions. PUNE has jurisdiction over the term “ProfitMax” and its associated programs.

Conditions of the No Loss Guarantee* Mentorship Program

Share Market trading & investing is subjected to risks. Profitmax Academy do not claim that in Share Market there will not be any loss. This Mentorship program is specially designed for students who want learn Financial Market but they have fear while learning the trading. The main goal of the mentoring program is to teach students how to trade by exposing them to real-world market conditions. There is no assurance of gain or a set rate of return.
No Loss Guarantee Mentorship Program means if during this Live Market Learning program if there is any loss then it will be borne by ProfitMax Academy.

If student is given No Loss Guarantee facility during Mentorship program, then in that case Academy will make a note of trades given by mentor. At the end of program if there is loss after addition of profit & loss amount of all trades then that amount will be borne by Academy. Also, at the end of program if the demat account of academy is in profit then the extra amount above fund value after deducting brokerage & taxes will be given to student as a token of appreciation. But there are certain conditions which user/student needs to follow to get this benefit. During this program student will have to come to Academy & they will be provided with demat account of Academy for Live Market Trading Program. Student will have to take only those trades which are suggested & guided by Mentor.

If student take any other trade than suggested by Mentor or student use any other Trading/Demat account than given by academy then student will be responsible for any loss incurred in these cases. If a student uses the trading account provided by the academy for trading during the mentorship program and incurs a loss as a result of a trade that was not recommended by the mentor, the student is responsible for reimbursing the academy for that loss.

Online Mentorship Program

Student can attend our Mentorship program through Online mode but in that case, they will not get Trading account of Academy for taking trades. Students will have to use their own trading account & their own fund for trading.
If student is given No Loss Guarantee facility during online Mentorship program, then in that case Academy will make a note of trades given by mentor. At the end of program if there is loss after addition of profit & loss amount of all trades then that amount will be given as cash back.
If a student accepts admission to this program, it is assumed that he or she has read and agrees to the terms outlined above. Before beginning the mentoring program, students should send written questions to the management team to clear up any questions or concerns they may have. Any complaints or questions raised after a student has begun or finished the mentorship program will not be taken into consideration.


Exclusive Membership Program

• Customers who sign up for a year of service are welcome to repeat their training program as often as they like within the year following their initial enrolment. Premium membership is an optional perk and not a guaranteed benefit for any student.

• If the administration at ProfitMax determines that a student is not appropriate for the facility, they may deny that student access. Those who want to take the course again must apply, and the course will be given out based on how many qualified applicants there are.

• After receiving permission from management, candidates may attend training at any of our locations or our online schedule. Those accepted into the batch must show up on the date and time specified by the ProfitMax team. Candidate requests for special batches will not be accommodated.

• Please note that Mentorship program does not come under repeat facility or under Premium Membership. Student can attend Mentorship program only one time during the eligible course. If student want to extend or repeat the Mentorship program then it will be chargeable.

Regulations for Business Rivals

• When a student signs up for Share Market Training, he or she must tell the administration if he or she owns a business or is a part of another organization that does the same thing as Share Market Training.

• If it is discovered that a student is concealing his identity on purpose, disciplinary action will be taken. Or, if the student starts the same business during the training period, the academy has the right to stop all services to protect its own interests.

• In this case, the student will be permitted to attend all lectures and complete the training but will not have access to the repeat facility, an academy trading account for live market training during the Mentorship Program, or other facilities.

• Also, the student cannot ask for a refund if he or she stops using the services in the above situations.